Valley Community Services Board

Sponsored Residential Services

Each Sponsor home is assigned a Community Living Specialist (CLS), who works with the Sponsor family to ensure the individual in their care is receiving the services they need to live and be active in their community. The CLS visits monthly at a minimum, and makes both scheduled and unscheduled visits. The CLS visits more frequently to offer support and assistance to a new Sponsor, a new individual or anytime needed. The CLS is also available as needed for consultation between visits.

We also have an after hours cell phone that is carried by program staff to assist as needed to issues that arise after hours, over the weekend or on holidays.

What support do we offer?

How are services funded?

Services are funded through Medicaid Waiver:

States apply for Medicaid Waivers with the federal Medicaid agency known as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This enables states to waive the usual requirements that individuals must reside in an institution in order to receive Medicaid funding for services. In this way, Medicaid funds certain community-based alternatives to institutional care. Virginia has been offering Medicaid funded community based supports to individuals with an intellectual disability through the ID Waiver since 1991, the Day Support (DS) Waiver since 2005, and individuals with developmental disabilities through the DD waiver since 2000. The three waivers were amended in September 2016 and are now called the Community Living, Building Independence and Family and Individual Supports waivers respectively.

VCSB has been providing residential services to adults with Developmental Disabilities, including Intellectual Disabilities, since 1994. An individual lives in the community with a Sponsor family. Each Sponsor home has an assigned Community Living Specialist to work with the them.

What do we do?

Program Information

  • Submit the complete application packet
  • Interview (based on application)
  • Criminal background check (based on interview)
  • Preliminary home inspection by the program supervisor
  • Training in TOVA (physical management), First Aid, CPR, Human Rights, Infection Control, False Claims and Medication Administration (based on home inspection)
  • Final home inspection by a DBHDS Licensing Specialist who approves the home to provide services

Once a home has been approved, it is reviewed as a possible placement each time we receive a referral. If we believe that it is a potential match, we contact the Sponsor and set up a meeting. If that goes well, a day visit is scheduled and then an overnight visit if it appears that the placement would work. If the overnight visit goes well and everyone is in agreement that it is the right placement, a date to move in is selected. Please understand that a placement could happen shortly after the home is approved or it could take several months.

What is the application process?

The home may serve only two individuals with disabilities and the maximum number of occupants per home is seven.

  • The Sponsor offers a safe family style environment while providing support and assistance daily as determined by the outcomes of the individual. Such areas include medical care, psychological supervision, behavioral intervention, personal care, community participation, socialization skills, financial planning, and other pertinent support necessary to allow the highest quality of life possible.
  • The Sponsor will provide nutritious meals and appropriate snacks reflecting any special dietary requirements and
    personal food preferences of the individual.
  • The Sponsor will ensure transportation and assistance to all meetings, appointments, day support programs and other social and personal activities requested by the individual.
  • The Sponsor will arrange for the individual to experience frequent participation in community, social, educational, recreational and religious activities and events. As with any family member, Sponsors are expected to participate with the individual in the activities.
  • The Sponsor participates with the individual in the development of the individual’s Plan of Supports to develop outcomes that are designed to support the individual’s long-range goals and provide support in areas that encourage independence.
  • Sponsors will implement the plan and provide ongoing documentation of the individual’s participation and progress.

Some Details